What I’ve found, that works pretty well (although not perfect), is to be sure the starting width of the base is wider than the widest measurement of the hooks when loaded up. If you’re hanging something bulky on it, that measurement is obviously wider. From there, very very roughly, for every foot of height, add about two inches more to the radius of the base. 

So, if it’s 5 feet tall, the radius of the base would be something like the widest measurement across the top (with things hanging on it) plus 10 inches. At some height, you need to add a few more inches to the base width. The taller it is, the more mechanical advantage the weight hanging on the top gains. It’s just a long lever. You can counter that by adding weight to the base, maybe corbels or something, or a false base with a weight inside! 

Besides that, the other alternative is to just be careful with hanging or removing items! Using graceful hooks that limit items getting caught on them helps too. I’ve screwed up a couple of these…and found a heavier base is really your best bet. Keep the weight low on the lever…

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".