I'm impressed! 

BTW, the pock marks are clear areas in the poxy, this lad would never leave a surface laden with pits and defects. no sir eeeeee! 🕺

Your TM dying skills are impressive, but where are the pearlescent swirls and creamy goodness indiciative of a vigorous mixing of some hardener and resin? Didn't think so 🤔

Gotta admit, that TM sure likes to take a buffing. What is it made from? Must be some kinda vegimite and roo extract, superb!
I'm amazed that your burn didn't leave the depth all black, did you brush it out?

Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit!
In the immortal words of that Aussie Arthur Hoggett in "Babe", 

That'll do pig! 👍