Good post Duckie, however the Beall Buff System-3 buff on the single arbor, that you have on the Jet mini, is designed for PENS.  I have one on a Rikon, never thinking it was underpowered and while they are close together it forces the buffee (person operating the buffer) to have the pens in a position under than perpendicular to the buffing bonnet, which is where not where is should be.  I buff with the tubes angular to the bonnet creating a better more even finish.   It is also so easy to push to hard on a sinfgle buff, ruining the blank.  DAMHIKT Also, just for those thinking of trying any buffer do not wear good clothes the first couple are going to be covered with tiny little strings....the small amount Duckie showed is far less than what you will experience.  The rakes will help a new buff but not to a great extent.
I buff my bowls too.  I have the separate buffs that fit on my lathe that are conical.  Hang onto the bowl!!!!!!
For all the issues with buffing that there are, it is still a fantastic method of bringing the finish to life.   When you buy a buffing system you can throw the Micro-Mesh as far as you can throw them....and be done with each pen body in half the time. 

BTW Buffing anything metal will turn the buffs black and may be brought back with a rake, but the rake takes a significant amount of life out of the buff.  I have a buffer for metal and others for pens.
