Thank you all for the comments. 

Petey: that tape measure is probably 35 years old. I had forgotten Delta made it. If you had asked, I would have said it was a Stanley.

LBD: as you can see, that tape is sort of an heirloom… I see now that I missed a great opportunity. I could have tried populating the whole thing with small shop tools and supplies and created a photographic homage to woodworking. It was cold and cloudy, so I was rushing to take the photos so much I didn’t have time for creativity that day. (Also, I had screwed the mounting bracket to a half-sheet of hardboard with two tiny screws, so I didn’t want to press my luck by mucking around too much.)

Earl: Glad to help. This thing is similar to a mini French cleat wall. I had considered using cleats for the hangers, but I thought the holders would be too easy to dislodge with an accidental upward bump.