OK the details of what materials I used is added here
Wood Filler:-
The wood filler is Earls Timbermate White, not natural but white, thaking note it is interior grade.
So we will see how it weathers outdoors.
The dyes are Queen  Rainbow  although its "pinkish" and faded "Blueish I used Red and Blue.
About 20 drops in effectively a table spoon of filler.

I have some fairly eyebrow raising gear in my collection, Flocking, Gold Copper and Silver leaf,  so it wont be anything too weird to find vegie Dyes and questionable woodfiller too.  

White food colouring was toothpaste !... or I guess you could use sand shoe cleaner if you still own a pair of Dunlop Vollies or KT26 Runners!

I couldn't close off without giving an acknowledgement to LBD for the product direction and process on its use, Thank you!

Regards Rob