Gary G:  There is a lot of detail and  a great deal of finesse that is required in this type of build.  I've been woodworking for over 55 years and I will tell you that in doing Dutchy's plans and Toys and Joys plans, I learn 10 volumes with each one.  These plans are not entry level material. . I would say that if someone is confident in their basic skills and has the patience to work and maybe rework a piece, they can do it.  This one took me nearly 100 hours to complete and on some days just getting the small parts, like the 8 hinges and the hood latches took 4 hours or more.  And there were parts that after working 2-3 hours on, I decided they were not up to par and started over.  Sometime making the jigs for the construction takes more time than the actual part.   I do hope I answered your question but there is no real definitive point at which I would say someone is ready for this.  Patience and perseverance are the keys.  And remember that you can always do whatever you think best. . . .the plans are a definite guide but the extras you add are your choice and perhaps the little things you take away don't diminish the final outcome and your pride in workmanship.