A "Naked" T&J Jeep

Good morning all,
Well, after posting the "painted" jeep in December, I promised that I would finish up an unpainted, multi-wood version of the same plan (#127).  After more time than I expected, here it is.   The work on this followed the same process I described for the Painted version so I will not go into all that, except to say that for the tires, I ebonized White Oak using both a black tea wash to increase the tannin level on the wood and then an ebonizing solution made of cleaning vinegar (not kitchen vinegar) and 0000 steel wool.  I let the vinegar/steelwool solution sit for a week, stirring occasionally and then applied two coats. The tires turned nicely black.   NOTE on the solution:  Wash the steel wool with mineral spirits before submersing in the vinegar.  During manufacture, the wool is sometimes washed and the remaining detergent residue can inhibit the vinegar/steel wool reaction.  Also before using, pour the solution through a paint strainer to remove all particles of steel wool.    

Here is a list of the woods used in this build:
* Walnut:  Chassis, fenders, bumpers, axels, undercarriage parts, center console, arm rest, dash board, detail parts like hood catch, wipers
* White Oak: Tires
* Hickory:  main body panels, hood, grill, doors
* Cherry:  Mag rims
* Purple heart:  steering wheel, macphereson struts
* African blackwood:  door handles, gearshift knobs
* Peruvian  Walnut:  roof and rear window panels
* Brazilian cherry:  seats,  interior door panels 
* yellow acrylic:  steering wheel center button 
* Maple:  headlights, fog lights
* Orange acrylic:  front turn signals 

The finish is Watco Natural Danish oil

With the exception of some of the axle dowels, everything else was made/turned in the shop.  Also, as I did on the painted version, I transferred photo shots of the Jeep dials and GPS/Radio screen views to the model.   And I would like to give a "shout out" thanks to Kenny of ACUTABOVE WOODWORKING for the interior door panel inspiration.  I think they are a great add to the build.

So there ya have it.  I think I am done with Jeeps for a while.  :-) Now,  on to the next project, whatever that may be.  And Dutchy, I do hope the naked version meets with your approval.  ;-)  It was a fun build, both times.



Looking good!
Great job on the wrap-around skirt!
Wow! Another awesome Jeep build!

Don't ask me to choose between the two - it's a tie as far as I'm concerned.
Great build, nicely done, lots of good detail


real nice model work papa !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

I like it a lot. The scale is spot on, and it's detail rich. Nice job.
Beautiful build.
How much experience would you suggest someone have before tackling one of these?
Oooh, another beauty. Well done Dave, very nice without paint. 😉


Thanks everyone.  It was a lot of fun doing both of these and they each presented a different set of problems to solve.  While the painted one gave me options to "hide" flaws with some paint, the "bald" one was open to the world. . .the kimono is open for all to see.  :-)    I think, I too, like the unpainted version the best.   
Dave, While the blue painted one looked good, I much prefer the natural beauty of the colour, grain and figure of the well chosen mix of timbers in this model; gorgeous!

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

Gary G:  There is a lot of detail and  a great deal of finesse that is required in this type of build.  I've been woodworking for over 55 years and I will tell you that in doing Dutchy's plans and Toys and Joys plans, I learn 10 volumes with each one.  These plans are not entry level material. . I would say that if someone is confident in their basic skills and has the patience to work and maybe rework a piece, they can do it.  This one took me nearly 100 hours to complete and on some days just getting the small parts, like the 8 hinges and the hood latches took 4 hours or more.  And there were parts that after working 2-3 hours on, I decided they were not up to par and started over.  Sometime making the jigs for the construction takes more time than the actual part.   I do hope I answered your question but there is no real definitive point at which I would say someone is ready for this.  Patience and perseverance are the keys.  And remember that you can always do whatever you think best. . . .the plans are a definite guide but the extras you add are your choice and perhaps the little things you take away don't diminish the final outcome and your pride in workmanship.    
The other looked very "real" and I really liked it, but have to say this is WOW.  Amazing work. Love it!
i like this way better then the painted one GR8 JOB 😍😎👍


Wow! Great work!!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Hi Dave
You answered my question. Thanks.
I’ve put off undertaking any models because I know they’re time consuming and detail-oriented and I didn’t have the time.
I’ve got a short backlog of projects to finish and then I’m going to do at least one or two.
Gary G:  Give it a shot.  And remember that it doesnt have to be done in a quick manner.  Work on it when you have the time and inclination.  Enjoy the journey . . .the outcome is just the icing.  Let us know the results.  
Great job!  That jeep is a challenging build.  

TimV, "The understanding eye sees the maker's fingerprints, they are evident in every detail, leave Fingerprints." James Krenov

Simply amazing work. I think Jeep company would buy them to give away to new Jeep owners. 
Peakplane:  thanks for the vote of confidence.  
The precision and detail is amazing. Beautiful work.

Clayton J Tardiff