Thanks PeanPlane.
Hi Pottzy. I just heard from Mads. He is into pottery now and posts on Instagram.
 Here is the note I received:
 Hi dear Jim,
 How wonderful to get news from you, thank you.
 I hope you are good and enjoying life.
 Here life is fine, not too much neck pain, as always cooking good food, had a wonderful evening with my dear daughter Mathilde the other day and the winter is almost over, so I can hear nature grow.
 I'm currently working mostly in clay, it started this summer, where I made a dinner set on hump molds, that got me curious on throwing. So I bought an old kick wheel for throwing pots, and made a small roof outside in the allotment, to sit outside in the garden doing pottery, like this I learned the basics. Since then bought an electric wheel and are having great fun throwing and using my woodworking skills, to make tools and stuff for the pottery.
 I kind of gave up on LJ, they more or less destroyed my blogging, as they made the new system, so it's kind of impossible to find my blogs and this was the whole thing carrying it... Kind of sad, as I really enjoyed this sharing, I now share all kinds of stuff on my Instagram FeldingMads instead, if you have an Instagram check it out.

 Best thoughts,
 Mads Malte
 Hope you are with a smile my friend 

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day