Mesquite Kuksa

I had been to the saw mill 3 times and could not find a solid piece of wood without any cracks in the cup area of the blank for this  Kuksa      ( Scandinavian cup ). Then I found one 5" thick round piece of Mesquite in my wood storage area that fit the need.
The first one of these I ever saw was made my my friend Mads from Copenhagen and posted on Lumberjocks. Thanks for the idea, Mads!!!!
It is the second one I have made and I use the  mahogany one every day at coffee  in the morning at the park.
It is finished with Danish oil and I may buff and wax it in the future. I have a thin layer of epoxy on the inside bottom to seal the pores so it will not leak with hot coffee in it. That worked on the first one.

Cheers, Jim

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day


damn that sure is purdy jim. well done. hey speakin of mads, you stay in contact with him. he always inspired me. i loved all his stories and the things he created. his shop was so warm and cozy. i often said if i ever get to your country you and i will open a good bottle and just spend the day doing nothing. he loved that idea. he was a treasure that i miss. 

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Great work, I was wondering how you kept it from leaking until I read Epoxy. Good job.
Gotta love the 2 finger hold. I imagine that is for that first cuppa, when you may still have the jitters in the early AM. Nice job Jim.

Marveled, and wondered about how the heck did he??????? Then remembered you said it was your second. I guess a lot of folks wondered about it too, so #1 for directions

Pretty cool cup Jim. :-)
kewl cuppa GR8 JOB 😍😎👍


Very nice looking, great job.
Great cup or mug or coffee holder.   Love it.    


Every time I see a kuska I think I want to make one. You did a great job on this one.
That is a nice mug.

Would you explain the steps you used to make it. 
Sure is nice looking.  I just wonder how the heck you made is so perfect.  If it didn't have a handle on it, you could obviously turn it on a lathe but, you've got me stumped.  

--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.

Thank you for all the nice comments. I have an order for one out of Osage Orange to be done when I get home.

Hi Pottzy, I have not heard from Mads for quite a while. I don't see any of his posts on here. When Lumberjocks got ruined, I talked to him about joining and he said he had a place to post his projects and ideas that will pay him for the posts. I have a note in to him on E mail to see how that is going.

Hi Les and Nathan. The next time I do one, I will take detailed process shots to show you what I do to get to the final kuksa. It is really easy and you don't want to get ahead of your self or get your fingers in the way of the handle stock spinning around. To finish it you will need the tables on the band saw  and belt sander to be truly square to the blade and the belt

Cheers, Jim

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Classic - very nice !!


Thanks, Ivan!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

damn jim i sure wish he would join us here. he has so much to offer. i dont really know how to describe the experience i got from him. the best i would say is a zen, meditational, peaceful feeling i guess. he was just a very cool person to talk to ! not unlike yourself my friend 😎

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Great way to drink your coffee.  Planning on a few from birch. 
Thanks PeanPlane.
Hi Pottzy. I just heard from Mads. He is into pottery now and posts on Instagram.
 Here is the note I received:
 Hi dear Jim,
 How wonderful to get news from you, thank you.
 I hope you are good and enjoying life.
 Here life is fine, not too much neck pain, as always cooking good food, had a wonderful evening with my dear daughter Mathilde the other day and the winter is almost over, so I can hear nature grow.
 I'm currently working mostly in clay, it started this summer, where I made a dinner set on hump molds, that got me curious on throwing. So I bought an old kick wheel for throwing pots, and made a small roof outside in the allotment, to sit outside in the garden doing pottery, like this I learned the basics. Since then bought an electric wheel and are having great fun throwing and using my woodworking skills, to make tools and stuff for the pottery.
 I kind of gave up on LJ, they more or less destroyed my blogging, as they made the new system, so it's kind of impossible to find my blogs and this was the whole thing carrying it... Kind of sad, as I really enjoyed this sharing, I now share all kinds of stuff on my Instagram FeldingMads instead, if you have an Instagram check it out.

 Best thoughts,
 Mads Malte
 Hope you are with a smile my friend 

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

He even writes classy notes. 

So sad that in their desire to become something LJ's ruined what they had. 
glad to hear he's enjoying life only the way mads could. did he say anything about coming here and checking it out. let him know this forum isn't just about wood. and his blogs would work just fine here. i sure would like to see him join us.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Hi George and Pottzy. Do you remember the  the "house" he made called his allotment? I still remember him  climbing out the top on the roof. I have asked him if he still has his other shop and also for  photos of his pottery wheel!! I thought I saw his name on here one time.

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day