Gonna send you a bunch of wood pieces for "box tops" and a check, so you can grow some of those really cool trees on them. That Shaker tree is da bomb.

I am smitten with what you described as " Framed with cove profiled walnut and floated into a groove. I leave the gap for movement but color it so it doesn't look too weird." I am referring to the dark line around the lid panel that is etched with the tree, and looks like a grown up shadow line around the panel. It just sucks my eyes right into the panel, and the tree. KILLER surround. Anyhow it speaks to me.

All of the features are just the ticket to make an empty box jump up and say HI whatchadoing.

Nice box Bruce.

Oh yeah.... Gonna split my box top order between Shaker trees, and Celtic crosses, both are bad azz.