OK its recognition time !
Here we go:-
789Ron, RyanGi, SplinterGroup, Jim Jakosh, Pottz, Steve Rasmussen, Hokie Ken, LittleblackDuck, Crowie, MikeB_UK and also  1 x anon, she knows who it was. 
Gasp and that was without taking a breath
I was really taken back by all the supportive replies.
One of the noticeable common comments was very obviously regarding the wooden hinges.
Of which incidentally was just an after thought.
Now because of all of them, I will produce another pair exactly the same and document my bumbling effort to replicate them. So all can see how it was done, there was no special tools used just ones commonly used in all of your workshops.
They don't have to be as big and ugly as the ones you saw but they came about as you have possibly realised from off cuts of the cupboard frame timber.
Again thanks for viewing and providing encouraging replies


Regards Rob