Yeah, there’s neat patterns to be had, and I’ve pondered making a bowl with a thin layer of cholla normal to the surface of the bowl, but that’s going to be some work.

Today I started stacking pine cones (from our Austrian pine, aka black pine) in a cardboard and packing-tape mold for what will likely become a bowl. And ordering more epoxy. And one more color of pigment. I’m thinking I’m going to use system three general purpose epoxy, which sets in about an hour and then do my pours about a half-hour apart so I can mix the layers up. We’ll see if that idea still makes sense tomorrow morning or if I cross out all my notes and try something different.

Splint, I think that piece just above and left of the ring you clipped was a hunk of cholla stump / root. I’ve got a few pieces of that, and they have a different texture. Pain in the butt, though, since there are rocks and sand embedded in the roots which aren’t necessarily great for the tools.

May you have the day you deserve!