Pottz, a real life example of scope creep. Still trying to figure a design for open shelving where the cabinet was. The rat is for the benefit of my grands who get a good laugh when their mom comes across the strategically placed rats when they visit.

Steve, it was a lot . Contracted the ceiling, everything else my wife and I did on weekends and some evenings after work. 65 this year and I can sure feel every up and down doing that flooring.

George, the chair rail was a thought as I saw how marked up the wall around the table was. Truth be known, a bit of nostalgia for me. I couldn’t even bring my self to use anything but “real” wood, which meant priming, sanding a painting. And for clarity…I appreciate the spewing of verbal vomit on this site.

Mike, if you didn’t get a rat you got ripped. 

Appreciate the comments.

Any ideas for open shelving ?