Thanks YRTi, 
Just think of it as a few smaller pieces and it's no so intimidating

Thanks Splint,
There is a lid on the top but for the most part, yes, dead space.

Thanks L/W,
I'm with you.  I used to hate building stuff I didn't like, but I've gotten numb to it and just give them whatever they want.
I will say, as I'm not a big fan of it myself,  it has grown on me....(just a little though)

Thanks Ron

Thanks George,
The short section, on the left side of the "L", had an existing soffit that the client wanted covered,  so I just carried the level all the way around over the top of the unit. Proportion wise, I think it's a little thicker than I would have liked,  but the existing soffit dictated the thickness.  
You know the client likes it when you leave for the day and aren't finished,
then come in the next day to find it fully loaded.  lol

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.