Not being rude... well not deliberately... they are more practical than bowls. 

 commented 40 minutes ago
i might do some shows when i retire but not to get rich. most of those shows are old guys just wanting something to do and pay for the hobby which would be fine with me. plus a lot of it is the socialization.
You would need to develop a very thick skin... I remember manning my pen sales booth at an Aussie market, when one guy came up and said he'd give me $5.00 for 10 Elegant Beauties... when I realised he wasn't taking the piss out of me, if it wasn't for a pair of cops patrolling the area, I would have punched his lights out... at least would have tried... lucky I wasn't arrested for my string of profanities.  
First and last time at a market... as a seller.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD