Pottzy, I've used many cheapo version of the jigs and while they were ok at a pinch... that's all it was.   
It's the subtle versatility of the 'pecker that makes it more attractive... though I would go the one with the angle facility.

The Rockler would be a better bye for your shekels, however, for for those extra shekels the 'pecker's feature could be the justified buy!
One doesn't need to use an item everyday to justify it's purchase... all you need is 1 awkward project to pay for themselves.  Now my use for the press this time may not necessitate the 'pecker brand, but having a stand alone press saved me a shitload of DP setup with accurate results.  Add the shekel value of time saved and half the expense is covered... unless you work for $2/hour... most woodies either ignore time costs or vastly underrate the hourly rate... yet always complain about lack of time... that's why I will rate my time at $30-$50/hour depending on my stash of vino.


If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD