Boxing a Drill Guide without gloves.

Boys and Girls,

While building my Ride-on Hitchhiker project I had the need to drill into the end of a long(ish) piece of timber.  Rather than rooting about setting up my DP for long items, I decided to use my Woodpecker Drill Guide,
Now I’m not here to spruik the Drill Guide or my marvelous Fe$tool drill, but decided to migrate and tell yazall (again) about the Drill Guide Box project that I posted on LJ back in Oct, 2021.
So here tis in all its laser cut, MDF gory glory.
------------------------------------- ooooOOOO From LJ OOOOooooo -----------------------------------------
Boys and Girls,

A while back, I wrote a blog about "Lazarusing " my vertical drilling prowess away from the drill press, however, when I saw the promotional videos for the Woodpeckers Drill Guide, I was impressed enough to part with my shekels and relegate my Triton drill along with its surrogate Ryobi battery to the redundant bucket.
After countless months of waiting for delivery (ordered Jan 2021) my gizmo finally arrived in September.
One thing I can say for Woodpecker$, they certainly know how to package an item for shipment… it was harder to unwrap than most of my puzzles (that everyone keeps complaining about)…
To unwrap the sucker, I had to destroy the cardboard box spilling the contents all over my bench,
only to find my bench dogs were asleep in their kennel
and not prepared to herd all the components up, though it seems some were absent… probably out on the town or in my vino supply.
Putting on my disguise and getting to work,
I managed to herd them up to a manageable group,
To keep them corralled, I decided to build a box out of MDF… it may not be purdy, but it's planned to be practical. The resultant box is not for a woodie or a pecker but for the Woodpecker$' Drill Guide.
First stop was SketchUp
click on this link for an animation of the SketchUp model's "scenes". 
As always, the ball bounced through LayoutCorelDrawTrotec laser… many (well most, more on this later) of the pitfalls and design inconsistencies were revealed in the SketchUp model, long before any wood (MDF) was cut.
Unfortunately the bouncing ball missed my camera so this was the first happy snap I took off the build,
with a couple of trays to house the rods. 
Even dedicated a spot for the chuck key,
badly needed as the supplied chuck was too difficult to swap-out for a keyless one.
One good thing about laser cut MDF "woodworking" is that there is no mess and the item can be glued up in my office between smart-arsed comments I manage to formulate for LJ blogs after copious glasses of vino… no recalcitrant machinery there to clip my unsober wings… which again failed to operate my happy-snapper.
The one for the short rods was glued in as the rods were easy to take out of that tray, however, the 6 long ones were in a lift out tray for easier manipulation. I flocked both of the rod trays to add a bit of colour and use up a bit of my flocking stockpile,
Unfortunately the other compartments were already glued in which could have made flocking a tad difficult… so no flock it.
Found some new "clamps",
in the form of some large rubber bands which I pinched form my dodgy left arm's physio regime,
Was tossing up whether to do a review on this drill guide, however, I feel that the ones presented by the professionals

can do it more justice then whatever I could blunder through, even with my alluring animal nightie…
Nevertheless, I couldn't avoid the theatrical glitz of the camera and made a quick dirty video of the maiden Unboxing the box.

Not having tested the fit prior to the video, with the exception of some glue up test fits, I found that the removable tray significantly interfered with the removal of the drill guide from the box.  After some quick sanding and buffing, it inserted/extracted without problems.
Later inspection revealed that in SketchUp I had a slight incorrect 1mm overlay that screwed up my exact measurements,
which also affected the width of the tray, however, that was detected and sanded prior to the video.
I haven't put the drill guide through its full paces, but initial tests and extrapolated expectations would not denude me in giving it a premature 5 star rating.
There is nothing more I could add other than draw LJ members to the guide's existence… for those members that choose to boycott Woodpecker$' sometimes over priced offerings… Personally, you do get quality, functionality and versatility for your sacrificial shekels.
Before I close this blog, I'd like to give a shout-out to my buddy rc, not 'cause he's good looking or that he could have generously bought me a free cask-o-vino, but an understanding towards his perseverance of moving his machinery into his yard to woodwork and move it back for nighty-nights
To get access to my buffer, several times I had to wheel just one mobile lathe,
1 meter to the left
(and return it) each time,  which just totally pisses me off… maybe rc played fetch a lot in a past life.
Keep safe, jocks... and your jocks, safe!
------------------------------------- ooooOOOOO The End OOOOOooooo -----------------------------------------
Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD


Nice box Alex.

With Fusion 360 overlay can be checked:

That is a great looking tool.  I would have to yet the approval of my CFO to spend $472 to buy it.  Unfortunately, she has just spent a BUNCH in her sewing/quilting room.
Nice work. No mistaking what is in that box!!!!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

So where did you get it!
I see Carbatec has picked up woodpeckers but no ALDG yet or $
Speaking of CARBATEC
1. Whats happened to the Melb store? its renamed, and
2. Head Office an retail store is on the move anybody know where to ?
3. This laser dilemma is getting worse as I get older too, I am considering visiting Trotec in Loganhome 

wait there is more
Not having a workshop does make one think about  a ALDG as opposed to hauling out my monster Radial arm drill which has more slop in it than Chinese porridge

Regards Rob

 commented about 14 hours ago
Nice box Alex.

With Fusion 360 overlay can be checked:

Thanks and true Dutchy... but so will SketchUp without vino by the user!.

Thanks JJ... also adds a smidgeon of class to MDF.

 commented 41 minutes ago
So where did you get it!
I see Carbatec has picked up woodpeckers but .....
3. This laser dilemma is getting worse as I get older too, I am considering visiting Trotec in Loganhome 

As you ignored my non-spruiking aside RC, I'd recommend their (Woodpecker's) Auto angle guide.

My Trotec is great, however, there are many more economical offers out there for the hobbyist. My is more commercial grade, with the complements of a daughter that changed her mind.

If on the shop 4 1... watch the wattage advertised on the cheap Chinese...

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

ive looked at these drill guides many times and have thought of getting one. but not at woodpecker prices. i just wouldn't use it enough to justify. maybe a rockler or kim jung un version ?😬

oh almost forgot, damn fine box duckie !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Pottzy, I've used many cheapo version of the jigs and while they were ok at a pinch... that's all it was.   
It's the subtle versatility of the 'pecker that makes it more attractive... though I would go the one with the angle facility.

The Rockler would be a better bye for your shekels, however, for for those extra shekels the 'pecker's feature could be the justified buy!
One doesn't need to use an item everyday to justify it's purchase... all you need is 1 awkward project to pay for themselves.  Now my use for the press this time may not necessitate the 'pecker brand, but having a stand alone press saved me a shitload of DP setup with accurate results.  Add the shekel value of time saved and half the expense is covered... unless you work for $2/hour... most woodies either ignore time costs or vastly underrate the hourly rate... yet always complain about lack of time... that's why I will rate my time at $30-$50/hour depending on my stash of vino.


If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

ducks i love good precision tools as much as you but some things it just dont justify the expense. now when i retire and kiss the working world adios, my time is pretty much "free" ! so i cant justify saying im worth 30-50 bucks an hour when no one will pay me ? so i have to justify expensives ! now you old school main frame computer guys with more money than BEZOS can spend willy nilly !!!! i gotta save up for the monster med insurance premiums im gonna get hit with once im off the dole !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

ducks i love good precision tools as much as you but some things it just dont justify the expense. now when i retire and kiss the working world adios, my time is pretty much "free" !.....

That is an oximoron my friend... When you retire, you stop counting the days till you retire and start counting the days you have left on this earth... and with each passing day, each future day becomes more precious... not that I'm anxious, but I have to face the inevitable.

Believe me, I'm far from the size of grains of sand BEZOS walks on and even the NASA investments into me are running dry... I strive to make my life easier/convenient by SKIing (Spending Kids Inheritance) and hope that my investments will cover the aged care I will be committed to when I'm more incompetent than I am now.

I can bequeath my tools, but I can't bequeath my limited knowledge... that's why I try to share that around now.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

well said my duckling !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Fine box there Duck. Of course it's better than fine with it having a full sized graphic reminding you what is inside, and which side is up.

As drill guides go I had the Rockler a while before those peckerheads made theirs. I use mine quite a bit on large pieces that won't fir under my tabletop DP, and now on small stuff where the DP is kinda overkill, just need a straight inline hole, and if sturdy enough that is what those excel at. Plus as many point out those pecker prices are a tad too steep for most working class folks, but thanks to rich guys like yourself they stay in business.

The post is absolutely duckworthy, tons of spot on pics, text is a fine mix of humor, and facts as they exist in your mind. You know that green and red are the best colors for tools, blah blah blah. :-) You know I'm pulling yer Tibia, and Fibula. Well written as usual. Some day I hope to become organized, and have boxes such as this to store my tools in, then I just have to locate the box. I'd like to think I have a system, but I fear it's misplacing tools, which really isn't very helpful.

Is it cold over there, or is it that wonderful time when Spring is about to pop out? Back on the mower you will go. 
Nice work on the box. The graphic is perfect!

Even though the box is excellent, I am more impressed with your packing skills. I expect that is as tightly [packed as when it arrived!

 commented about 16 hours ago 
Fine box there Duck.....
Plus as many point out those pecker prices are a tad too steep for most working class folks, but thanks to rich guys like yourself they stay in business.
Thanks GW... your comments appreciated.

Don't know why I keep defending myself... I am no way rich, and I never keep what little I have a secret like most RF's I know do. 
I don't fly, haven't had a go away holiday since 1992 and wear a nightie to save on clothes... that will provide me with all the comforts of 'pecker, Fe$tool and practical comfort tools... when push comes to shove, I'd rather be buried in a Systainer rather than a gold coffin lined with $100 bills... though none of that will happen as I'm donating my body to science... though most people I know refer to my body as a meat encrusted vino-cask.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

no need to defend againts anything you do ducks. if nice quality tools bring you pleasure why the hell not. some guys just get pleasure from the wood theve collected, or the tools they have. i know people that have the finest tools and never even use em ! you use yours so why not indulge. you cant take the money with you ! i happen to enjoy a little of all of it.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.