ducks i love good precision tools as much as you but some things it just dont justify the expense. now when i retire and kiss the working world adios, my time is pretty much "free" !.....

That is an oximoron my friend... When you retire, you stop counting the days till you retire and start counting the days you have left on this earth... and with each passing day, each future day becomes more precious... not that I'm anxious, but I have to face the inevitable.

Believe me, I'm far from the size of grains of sand BEZOS walks on and even the NASA investments into me are running dry... I strive to make my life easier/convenient by SKIing (Spending Kids Inheritance) and hope that my investments will cover the aged care I will be committed to when I'm more incompetent than I am now.

I can bequeath my tools, but I can't bequeath my limited knowledge... that's why I try to share that around now.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD