Fine box there Duck. Of course it's better than fine with it having a full sized graphic reminding you what is inside, and which side is up.

As drill guides go I had the Rockler a while before those peckerheads made theirs. I use mine quite a bit on large pieces that won't fir under my tabletop DP, and now on small stuff where the DP is kinda overkill, just need a straight inline hole, and if sturdy enough that is what those excel at. Plus as many point out those pecker prices are a tad too steep for most working class folks, but thanks to rich guys like yourself they stay in business.

The post is absolutely duckworthy, tons of spot on pics, text is a fine mix of humor, and facts as they exist in your mind. You know that green and red are the best colors for tools, blah blah blah. :-) You know I'm pulling yer Tibia, and Fibula. Well written as usual. Some day I hope to become organized, and have boxes such as this to store my tools in, then I just have to locate the box. I'd like to think I have a system, but I fear it's misplacing tools, which really isn't very helpful.

Is it cold over there, or is it that wonderful time when Spring is about to pop out? Back on the mower you will go.