Pottz, I love that explanation, every time I look at it I start to laugh. Thank you!
Steve, Thank you sir, much appreciated.
SplinterGroup, Thank you, I know I'll be really nervous moving this piece.
Ross, Thank you.
Dr Quackner, Much appreciated ,Thank you!
Norman, Thank you, the more the details the crazier the craftsman. lol
Corelz125, Thank you, for 3 months of that time I was making other things, so really only 15 months on all my spare time.
Old Tool, Thank you for an awesome complement, I very much appreciate it. I don't know if I'm worth that high of a praise, but it is nice to hear.
LitleBlabkDuck, O yes thats me I enjoy complicated woodworking that takes me forever. I love it when I get lost into a project and forget about the crazy world. Thank you, Sir. Much appreciated.
Kel Snake, Thank you.
BB1, Thank you.
987Ron , Thank you.