Splintergroup - thanks, I'm sure I'll find a use.  Hadn't thought of adding a lining - not sure I'm confident in getting a good fit at this point with it all together.  The only time I've done a covering, I imbedded it in the groove to ensure it would be secure.  

Pottz - thanks!  I do love the walnut and the white oak combination.  

Steve - thanks, I've already been monitoring as the box was outside in my UN-climate-controlled shop.  No apparent issues with changes in temperature/humidity so far.  🧐

Thanks Ron - I don't think it is possible to go too wrong when using walnut!

RyanGi - thanks, I'm guessing I'm overly worried about the "miter slip" in glueup, but better safe than sorry.  

Corelz125 - thanks, there are flaws 🤫but I'm trying to get better about not pointing out all of them (haha...like the gouge when cutting off the splines or the rounding of the corners so the lid isn't a perfect match or having to "close" the miters with a screwdriver...you get the idea!).