Snort. Yep, Splintergroup, old trucks are full of surprises. A lot of them complements of the previous owner.
Today, I had ONE door unlocked. It closed and wouldn't open. The other door was still locked. The keys were in the ignition AND the truck was running. I could not get in.
Yesterday, I got keys cut, BUT they only had the ignition, so there was no way in.
PANIC - locked out of a running truck.
I ran through options to kill the engine, while I tried to figure out how to get in, without trashing a hard to replace window. Did you know throwing a wadded up shop rag that looked a lot like a bed sheet will not kill the air flow to a 4 barrel?
More panic.
Somewhere in my bent and broken mind came the thought I have a CO2 tank for charging water bottles, and CO2 trumps burning oxygen-gas. I drug the little tank out to the truck, put the line over the carb, and gave the charge valve a 90 degree twist. The engine, almost immediately, started slowing. No stutters or anything. It just got slower and slower, then quit.
By the way, went in line and searched solutions. The string (paracord)-slip knot trick worked. I was in, from the other side, in less than five minutes.
Door removed, it's obvious the previous owner didn't waste much time on the retaining clip and the linkage came off. [Kinda] easy fix. Glad it didn't happen on the six hour trip bringing it home.