WINNER!!!! Tom it is a lot easier to reach down and pick it up, free and clear of everything, than climbing into a small cabinet trying to wedge it free. You'll find yourself converting all of the old fashioned shelves, into easy access roll out ones. I built two of them from wood, then thought, I want all of them done, NOW. So I bought the steel framed ones they sell on Amazoo. They come with slides, and are sturdy enough to easily hold a combined 100 pounds. Best pre made anything, I ever bought.

We got this brand, in a variety of widths, and changed out 12 cabinets in less than 3 hours. It was pretty sweet having them done without weeks of shop time building something. She was 100% pleased, that's hard to beat. 

Since that is done I am making ones to fit our 32" wide x 22" deep x 5' tall cabinet that is a small pantry. On those the pre-made ones were not very cost effective. Using some pre finished 1/2" and 3/4" plywood, and mounting them on 250 pound slides. I doubt we will approach that kind of weight, but pulling them all the way out to access stuff in the back, will wear on them a bit, so going heavy duty.