This slide out shelf is to assist my wife in taking out her 28 lb mixer, easier to lift straight up. Of course if I'm around, that's my job. The rails I choose are the only ones I could find that mounted on the bottom of the shelf, as opposed to requiring attaching to sides, like drawers. The toggle anchor bolts were selected for mounting on the quarter inch thick cabinet floor hardboard. Screws and threaded inserts were out of the question. If using these rails, mounting is easy, mount to shelf first, then to cabinet with shelf attached and sliding in and out. I put the front cross member after installation to cover the front two mounting holes.
That's about it, quick and easy project. Thanks for viewing, questions welcome. Tom.
What I need it one of those pull outs that can pivot around a corner. I have two cabinets that abut the wall along other cabinet rows, leaving a deep, open side area with a narrow door. I've seen the commercial solutions, but $$$ and rolling my own would not be any easier or cheaper.
WINNER!!!! Tom it is a lot easier to reach down and pick it up, free and clear of everything, than climbing into a small cabinet trying to wedge it free. You'll find yourself converting all of the old fashioned shelves, into easy access roll out ones. I built two of them from wood, then thought, I want all of them done, NOW. So I bought the steel framed ones they sell on Amazoo. They come with slides, and are sturdy enough to easily hold a combined 100 pounds. Best pre made anything, I ever bought.
We got this brand, in a variety of widths, and changed out 12 cabinets in less than 3 hours. It was pretty sweet having them done without weeks of shop time building something. She was 100% pleased, that's hard to beat.
Since that is done I am making ones to fit our 32" wide x 22" deep x 5' tall cabinet that is a small pantry. On those the pre-made ones were not very cost effective. Using some pre finished 1/2" and 3/4" plywood, and mounting them on 250 pound slides. I doubt we will approach that kind of weight, but pulling them all the way out to access stuff in the back, will wear on them a bit, so going heavy duty.
George, thanks for the Winner award. I looked at the Amazon link, those are nice for small items, the mixer is tall & 28 pounds. My cabinet has a mid-level full length built in shelf, but only half way deep in back. But, if my better half says she need more pull outs, I'll try to fit in the ones you used. Thanks
SplinterGroup, I'm trying to figure out your situation, and should I get ideas, I'll contact you. Thanks