Thanks guys really appreciate it. I’ll tell you this is a challenge more so for the reason of spanning without deflection. I had a plan in my head and wrote down what I wanted however, I changed it three times as I went. Well I just sat down and calculated the weight of my to stretcher beams now that I built them up. I follow the formula of “IF”. "IF is the “inertia” of a member when used with the Modulus of Elasticity of the particular material allows us to predict the deformation (deflection) of that member when loaded.If = (width)(depth)(depth)(depth)/(12)…in inches to the fourth power!
All said and done I get 31 lbs per square inch times 540 square inches = 16,740 lbs so I think im good. Lmao!!! Not getting and deflection now.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"