I agree about that there always being something out there on the subject matter you want for free. Heck, if you ask on some forums people will even offer to make you the pattern for free! I got more involved in scroll sawing because of a free internet group on yahoo! The people were always there to help in any way they could. But, the a point I would like to make about people that are offering patterns for sale is that they are advancing the craft just as much, or more as the free sites. In all the years I have been scrollsawing, 16, I have never seen a grandfather clock pattern show up on a free site. Dirk Boelman and Dan Wilkens both offer some highly advanced patterns like that. After getting some practice in most want to try their hand at something more than a portrait. And look at the 2 scroll saw magazines. They both offer free patterns on both of their sites, but you for less than $10 you get at least 20 patterns in each issue. It’s not cheap, but neither are printing magazines, creating patterns, or buying your scroll saw. I know if I just relied on the free patterns, my craft show sales would not be as high as they are. I still find some great scroll saw patterns for free, but I find that many more for usually less than $10 too. Everything has its place. Including FREE patterns and bought patterns!