Odds And Ends


My work recently has been a bit “bitty”. I’ve been doing things here and there while sorting through materials and sharpening tools.

I recently purchased a sharpening station complete with a diamond sharpening stone. It has been fantastic for speeding up my sharpening and teaching me how to be more effective with it. Most of my carving tools aremail now reasonably sharp and ready for a carving I’ve been asked to do.

Amongst my rapidly growing collection of natural materials I have a bunch of willow sticks. All are about the same length and great for smaller projects. I have started making suncatchers and windchimes out of them. This photo isn’t very good but I will try and post an update soon with better pictures.

I’ve also been working with scroll saw practicing some basic shapes in plywood. I’m determined to master it so now it’s just a case of finding time to practice.

And finally I’m finishing with a picture of the bird table I made for a customer. The wood has been painted so it looks a lot better now
