Craftisian Blogs

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This one blew my mind. So there I was, down in Half Moon Bay on a day trip to the 4 hour meetup of the PAST Tool Collectors association. I had wan...
Bet you clicked the title thinking you’ve seen them all. The Upson Bros, Stanley, Craftsman, Bell, … Bet you’ve never seen a pair of screw-holding...
This shop vac and Dust Deputy was upstairs next to the cat litter box. He died last year, and I inherited it. It wasn't on a cart before, I had a ...
Picked up this beautiful rosewood wedge/sole shoulder plane that will work wonderfully for cleaning up tenons in mortise and tenon joinery. The pr...
2 moulders + a tongue and groove pair + 1 dado plane All look to be usable [IMG_7387.jpeg]
In this series, I will be posting my finds from Urban Ore — a salvage yard that opened in the 1970’s and is located in Berkeley. I frequent this p...
Not a typo. White Wenge. Arrived about 3 weeks ago  [IMG_7389.jpeg][IMG_7388.jpeg]
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Serial number dates this guy to 1975. Found at my local salvage. These pictures are of when it arrived prior to them pricing it and putting it out ...
I'm still working on the first urn, but starting to plan for the second.  I think I'll need to get a new walnut board to allow me to have the top m...
Back in 2019 I was helping a friend extend a house and he needed a hand with the trusses we had about 8 trusses to fit to extend the roof line. how...
Got these for $7 and they came in a nice box. Never used trammel points before. They look fancy pants. No, I can’t read the phone book underneath ...