Blog Series

Free Retrofit Puzzle Box Plans

Part 1: Liquor Box Puzzle Plans

[Windy 1.png][Windy 2.png][Windy 3.png][Windy 4.png][Windy 5.png][Windy 6.png][Windy 7.png]

Hans Wegner's "Bukkestolen"

Part 7: Stretchers trimmed to shape

With all the tenons cut on the stretcher blanks, I used a router template to cut them to final shape.  I used the test front stretcher as my templa...

Part 8: Arm/Legs clamping jig

I still need to do some shaping and sanding of the legs and arms before they'll be ready for glue-up, but I took some time to work out how to clamp...

Part 9: Seat Frame Stretchers

The secondary stretchers separate the main front and back stretchers and complete the seat frame.  The next step in the project is to get those sec...

Urban Ore

Part 33: Tool Engineers Handbook

For $2, acquired a new book. What a book it is. Measures over 3” thick printed on vellum. I estimate over 1,000 pages. Printed in 1959. [IMG_8840....

Part 34: Record 77 Spare Iron

For $1, picked up this new-in-package plane blade. Lord only knows how old it is. When was the last time Marples was in business. Also, looks to be...

Part 35: Stanley 04-421 “Silken” Hole Cutter

A rare find. Some collectors passed it around and it came to me. I knew it was a hole cutter, but I didn’t know about this variant. Usually the piv...

New Supercell DC for My Shop

Part 1: Designing a mobile cart.

 Background:  A couple of years ago, I found a basic Delta 1 HP dust collector that someone was throwing away.  It was in good condition and had t...

Part 2: Making a Cart

As I mentioned in part 1, I based my cart design around a  a Sketchup model I found on their 3D Marketplace.  Once the Supercell arrived and before...

Part 3: Shop Vac Hose Reel Auto Rewind Mechanism

It has been a while.  Maybe a little off topic for a Supercell titled blog but sort of the next step in improving dust collection in my shop.  The ...


Part 8: Edlund Commercial 5-lb Premier Scale

Found this at Urban Ore for $5 — I bought it because I needed a scale to weigh various wood working projects. For no other reason than to be able t...

Part 9: Millers Falls No 98 T-bevel gauge

Purchased from eBay for $35.71 (broken down as $26.99 + tax & shipping), a 1950’s sliding bevel gauge (T-bevel) made by Millers Falls, tool No 98. ...

Part 10: Eye carving riffler

I have decided that this stone carving riffler is for carving eyes. The two ends combined, one effectively cuts the upper eyelid shape and the othe...

A collection of Clamps.

Part 27: Dovetail Clamps.

 [IMG_0720.png]     Boy and Girls,   I primarily use these type of clamps with my tracksaw, however, before yazall mutiny and accuse me of Fe$too...

Part 28: Stanley quick Clamp/Vise.

 [Untitled-1.png]      Boy and Girls,   I’m quickly running out of clamps (that I own), however, while many may refer to this as a vise, I often ...

Part 29: Rockler Auto-Lock T-Track Clamp.

  [IMG_2099.png]   Boy and Girls,   (Consider this as a 2* review.) When I posted my Auto Adjust Clamps, I deliberately avoided mentioning this pa...

Overlay Panels for a Car Project

Part 9: Installing Strips

 The first strip to install is the center ash trim. A dab of hot melt glue is put onto the green tape between the pencil marks for the center trim....

Part 10: Adjusting the Design

 There has been an aspect of the panel layout that has been bugging me. Now seems as good of a time as any to see if there is anything I can do abo...

Part 11: Trim Around the Fenders and Bed Step

The ash trim needs to wrap around the entire panel. I’ve got the top and bottom done and now I need to add trim at the front and back ends. I’ll st...

Making Dowels

8 entries

Part 6: Router Method

There are two ways of making dowel on the router.  Using a fence and round over bit or a jig /die setup similar to the Table Saw method. USING A ...

Part 7: My Current Method

My current method is using my Dowel Maker . Please follow this link and feel free to make comments. Stock is cut just slightly larger than what y...

Part 8: Conclusion - Which is the best IMO

Here are the methods of making dowel 1. Drill and push through steel flat bar 2. Hammering through a holed plate 3. The Chisel Method 4. able saw ...


Part 6: Hi Vise - Body

I'm making the body out of an ash 2x4. so cut to size and square up. [20230915_162313.jpg] [20230915_163836.jpg] Drill and tap the main hole [20230...

Part 7: Hi Vise - Finish

Make the handles for the fixing screws.  [20231001_160522.jpg] [20231001_161419.jpg] Just rasp into shape and add a bit of walnut to the end to hi...

Part 8: Mini Hi-Vise version 2

  Well, the mini vice mount Hi-Vice gets pretty much constant use, so it’s time to make a nicer one based on the prototype.  Pretty happy with the ...

Handy Tools

Part 1: Skew carving gouge

While working on the Altai Project Logo carving, I discovered I needed a narrow skew in order to get down into some of the corners. I have a handfu...

Part 2: Handle for LAP engraving tool

I bought a Lost Art Press engraving tool a while back. The short metal handle works fine for putting it into a compass, but for freehand use, it’s ...

Part 3: Sharpening shelf for sharpening carving gouges

A while ago, I read Dave Fisher’s post on his Souped-up Sharpening Shelf and thought that sounded like a great idea to get some consistency in my g...