Tiny Mahogany and Maple Bowl

Project a week no. 401 (year four, project no. 1)

Starting small as I head into my 4th year of my project a week series/challenge. 

Very small.

Project a week: To recap, this is to get me to take advantage of the time I have to start all sorts of projects, big and small. To start something every week, and more importantly to FINISH something every week. It doesn’t have to be the same thing. Some projects will be bigger and need more time, others, like this bowl, not so much. 

This is an opportunity to find the little pockets of free time we often overlook, or waste doing things we don’t want to do, or don’t really need to do. I can’t wait until I finally have a “free weekend” or I’ll never get down in the shop. I don’t really have to make 52 projects, it’s more about the intention. This is a challenge. A quest. Not an obligation. Turning a hobby into an obligation makes it less fun. I only beat that number once in three years, but think I have come out ahead on average. But no, this is not about the numbers. It’s about how I spend my time, it’s about keeping the shop, and my skills, alive. 

If It was really about the numbers, I’d batch out a whole bunch of pens or something small and call it a win. I know I can do a pen a day, everyday for a month or more. (And blog about it. And go to work, And put dinner on the table.) I’ve done that. Twice. I don’t need to busy myself with all the small projects, and back burner all the things that will be more challenging/ fulfilling, or the shop infrastructure projects that are necessary, but less instagram worthy. This is about lifestyle, and creating a life of creating. I’ve got to go to work. I’ve got to put dinner on the table. And in addition to all the other roles I fill, I’ve got to create stuff. Big stuff, little stuff…

and speaking of little stuff…

This was my first project of the New Year. Started, (and finished!) on New Years Day. I took the center offcut I saved from my sisters Christmas present https://www.instagram.com/p/CX_Xp3oLh7o/ and made it into this tiny little bowl. Photos with quarters for scale.

Made from a sandwich of Mahogany and Maple, finished with my own woodbutter. It measures nearly 2.25” across and 11/16th tall -  5.6 cm wide x 1.6 cm tall (holds 1.5 TBSP or 22 mL).

I love making these tiny bowls, haven’t in quite a while. I foresee making a few more - perhaps *slightly larger* so I could use them for mise en place, a measure for the bar, or something. 


Beautiful little bowl Scott.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker