Bench slave board Jack, dead man (post)

Bench slave
board Jack, dead man.

From time to time we could all need a helper, but luckily the slavery is over, so we will go for a dead man… naaaaa that’s too morbid, well a board Jack then, somehow that must be the most political correct name these days, but I do like the sound of a bench slave, it’s kind of a mix between pirates and SM, laughs.

This post is from the blog


  1. The bench slave supporting a board.
  2. Making the lap joint.
  3. At my favorite spot.
  4. It fits!.
  5. Wedged in place.
  6. Branding for the joy of it.

Hope it can be to some inspiration, or just a support.

Best thoughts,


MaFe vintage architect and fanatical rhykenologist.