MaFe hand jointer - for small parts

MaFe hand jointer
for small parts.

I often make small boxes and especially on these projects, I could use a way to make some perfectly squared up adjustments, on the pieces. Also I just made small planing and shooting boards, so this would complete the setup.

It can be made for any rabbet plane, here I make it for my 311.


  1. Using the hand jointer in the bench vice.
  2. Finished up.
  3. Making the hold.
  4. Fence and hold mounted on jig.
  5. Testing.
  6. Works just perfect.

Hope it can be to some inspiration, or even some small jointed pieces.

Best thoughts,


MaFe vintage architect and fanatical rhykenologist.

Alright, I am all for using my tools to work for may ease to accomplish a task successfully. I like your ingenuity good work thanks for sharing. 

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

Hi Mads. I'm so glad to see you here. Its is getting to be  the "alternate" Lumberjocks site that works for us!!!!!!!!!!

I just found out how to search for people on here and went through the whole 34 pages to se a lot of old buddies here.  Happy New Year, my friend...............Cheers, JIm

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day