The classic one

A Classic car from approx. 40×18x13 cm. Made out of mainly Yelloy Poplar. Tyres are ebonized Oak. Chairs are a Zebrano look a like. Spokes made out of Hornbeam. Some small parts are from Merbau. The lights are from Beech dowels.
Also this time I made a lot of pictures from the build process and soon I will make a blog about it.
And again LBD made a video exploded pictures from it. When you like to make this one yourself look at

The chairs can slide on it's foot. The spoke wheels were the most difficult.

There is also a blog about this one.

Beautiful Automobile you did a GOOD job.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

I LOVED these plans and the car it helped me to build.
And I almost forgot to add haw nice Dutchy's turned out.
#4 over and out

Wonderful Buick, great details and a sexy car.

Main Street to the Mountains

Very well

Sasha. - Life is not a draft, you can't redo it tomorrow

What a beautiful model of a gorgeous vehicle, top marks 🏆 Jan 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings