I'd made a homemade scratch stock and a couple beading blades that I was never really all that happy with. So, I picked up an older Stanley #66 on eBay and bought the Veritas blade package for said scraper. The tool works great and I'm really happy with the slightly-thicker-that-OEM blades. But, now having a bunch of blades to keep track of, I figured I'd build a miniature chest to hold them in.
I don't do too much really small work, so I learned a bunch about how to manipulate tools over small pieces of wood (ie: heavy use of double sided tape and larger boards to act as 'carriers' to be clamped in place). I also found, after my first failed attempt, that projects of this size are much safer built almost entirely using hand tools (I did use my smaller bandsaw for some of it, but mostly all hand tools). Being a hybrid woodworker (TM The Woodwhisper), I was pretty excited that this project turned out to be almost completely built without wearing earplugs! I used a router plane for the small grooves for the lid, a shoulder plane for all the miniature rabbets, a block plane for shaping the miters after milling the stock with a roughing plane and cutting the blanks to size with handsaws. And, of course, a small decorative bead on the lid using the new-to-me #66.
The joints aren't nearly as tight as I'd expect from myself on a larger project, but it was really fun to do this whole thing (almost) completely with hand tools. I know that's a normal thing for some of you guys, but it's a new experience for me!!
Scrap black walnut, finished with Danish oil. The lid slides into place and it's friction fit.