Just another Roubo

Project Information
Yet another Roubo bench in a sea of Roubo's. Mine isn't much different from the others but I did do a more traditional tail vise and the wife splurged on a pretty cool bonus for me.

This bench has been in the planning and buying stages for the last two plus years. I think it was two years ago I received my vise hardware for Christmas. The cool seat my wife got me a year and a half ago for father's day. The oak, I managed to grab for about $1BF a couple years back. The eucalyptus are just pieces I've had but the leg vise is a piece I've kept around for exactly that purpose due to it's thickness and size. Probably had that for three years now or more. So this was a long time coming for sure.

Last Father's day my wife went crazy and splurged big time on a gift, we were supposed to go to Hawaii and then Handworks this year but both fell through due to the current global epidemic. So instead of Hawaii, she bought me a Shaper Origin and we probably still saved money in the end. With that said, I figured I would see what this thing could do on a big project like a new workbench. It definitely answered the call. Mortises, tenons, vise hardware, inlays…made the job pretty easy. Even though the Origin isn't the fastest tool, it's accurate and pretty cool to use really. So I let it do the work. I also don't have a table saw so doing the tenons with the Origin was a treat over using the bandsaw or a handsaw.

I didn't seem to capture pictures of making the mortises but the cool thing about the origin is you can choose what you cut from the design on screen. So for the tenon I can choose to cut the outside of the middle section down to whatever depth I need and then use the same file and choose to cut the inside section. I ended up making the mortises about .005 larger than the tenons so they would slide in nice.

The vise hardware was decided by the quick release in the Hovarter gear. I would have been pleased to go with Benchcrafted but I like the quick release. I do have some Benchcrafted hardware in there I'll cover later. 

I used two of the Hovarter leg vise kits on this bench. One was a leg vise and the other I transformed into an old school tail vise. I had to do a lot of metal work top make the slide for the tail vise but it was well worth the time. I use that vise more than the leg vise. 

Here are some in progress pics of the vises. 

The Benchcrafted portion of the hardware is the swing out seat for when I'm doing small work at the tail vise. Again, another lovely wife purchase. It is actually one of the best features on the bench, I'm happy she got it because I wouldn't think I would like it so I wouldn't have spent the cash but super pleased with it. 

Under bench storage. Small shop problems get solved by putting storage literally everywhere. 

Here is my solution, drawers in the front and storage in the back. I saw the wood whisperer had something similar so I studied his and built this one. 

I think that's about it. Hit me up if you have any questions. 

Lincoln - "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." Dave in AZ


that is one beautiful bench. hopefully it's got a few scars from all the use it's been getting.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

It definitely does. I'll snap a pic of it today if I remember. That'll be a fun one. 

Lincoln - "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." Dave in AZ

That’s a big pile of sexy badassery!
That is a bench, the seat is great, and there are a bunch of wonderful options and accessories on it. Well Done.

Now we are going to need a forum for Workbenches.

If you have an email for EarlS send him a link.

Main Street to the Mountains

Wow! What a beautiful bench. I've got a large bench that holds too much stuff at this time. I'm working on alternate storage projects when I can fit them in time-wise. Then I can swap out my 8'x3' formica-on-plywood bench for something like this - significantly smaller and far more useful.
Thanks for the inspiring post!
Fantastic Project, good design, materials and workmanship looks Great.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

Wow.  This is not only packed with features (who wouldn't love the seat), but is gorgeous.  Great project - inspiring!
Thanks all. 

Lincoln - "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." Dave in AZ

If you have an email for EarlS send him a link.

Did that. Told him we can’t let Dave have the “Best Bench” award. ;-)

Very nice work, Dave.

May you have the day you deserve!

Yep, Earl definitely set out to "one up" me and he succeeded. 

Lincoln - "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." Dave in AZ

I dunno.  His mosaics are badass but your inlays are something the average man can’t achieve with regular tools.
I dunno.  His mosaics are badass but your inlays are something the average man can’t achieve with regular tools.

So you're saying I'm above average?!?!? Can't take it back now Kenny. 

Lincoln - "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." Dave in AZ

"Just" another Roubo. Ha! That workbench puts most of the furniture in my house to shame. Excellent craftmanship.
Thanks MN!

Lincoln - "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." Dave in AZ

Ok, I just went out to the shop and took some pics of the top. It probably won't show well with the low res photos on here but there's some decent scratches on that thing. It's all hard wood so this has held up decently really. Here is what it looks like using it 4=7 days a week for a solid two years. 

Lincoln - "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." Dave in AZ

My goodness! That's some bench. If I had a bench that beautiful, I'd never get any work done--I'd spend too much time admiring it.
Thats beautiful work, how do you like the Hovarter vise?  I wanted to use a Hovarter but my overhang was too short so I went for a moravian wagon vise by Will Myers. 

Ron Stewart

My goodness! That's some bench. If I had a bench that beautiful, I'd never get any work done--I'd spend too much time admiring it.

That's kind of the point Ron, every time I walk out there it inspires me. I strive to make whatever it is I'm making, better than the bench. Totally worth the effort. 

Thanks for the compliment!

Lincoln - "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." Dave in AZ

Thats beautiful work, how do you like the Hovarter vise?  I wanted to use a Hovarter but my overhang was too short so I went for a moravian wagon vise by Will Myers. 
Thanks! I like it a lot. I obviously voided the warranty for the tail vise but it works fantastic. I’m not anticipating any issues. Quick release is the way to go imo. 

Lincoln - "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." Dave in AZ

+1 for Hovarter.  QR is the ticket.  Once you go ‘varter you’ll hate screwing!