Ford HotRod C-Cab Delivery Van

Ford HotRod C-Cab Delivery Van

With 3 grandsons to our middle daughter, I had to make a third "Keepsake Vehicle".

The first was in T-Bucket HotRod then came the Rat-Rod Truck so an internet search for a cool looking third vehicle finding a Delivery Van as a base to work off.

And here is my "scratch built" wooden toy.
 I very much liked the open door style of this vehicle as you can easily see the inside detail of the Seats, Dashboard, Steering Wheel, Pedals and Console.

The biggest challenge was making the extractors/headers and four into one exhaust; but saying that the redesign on the rear doors to open completely was a bit of a head scratching too.
 18 ¼" [465mm] long
 8" [200mm] across the front
 11" [280mm] across the back
 7 ¼" [185mm] high at the cab
 Almost all recycled Aussie Hardwood.
 The Roof was a threshold that came out of a 1970's built house at Blackheath
 The Sides are Cypress Pine flooring boards
 The Engine, Rear Mudguards and Rear Wheels are TallowWood from a telegraph pole
 The Radiator is the underside of Merbau Decking board
 The Chassis is Red Gum
 The Cab Floor, Firewall and Front Bumper Bar are Spotted Gum
 The Extractor/Header and Headlights are Tassie Oak
 The Air Rams/Trumpets are Tassie Oak with a recessed timber golf tees racked front to rear..
 The Rear Taillights are recessed shop bought.
 The Seats are Walnut
 The Front Wheels, Exhaust Pipe, Rear Bumper Bar and Rear Doors are some offcuts of sort of red timber I was given.
 The finish is my homemade Wipe-On-Poly: 30% Tung Oil, 40% Clear Satin Polyurethane, 30% Mineral Turps.
 The "Lapel Pin" for the detailing on the front are all shop bought.
 The Ford Logo on the back is "Thank again to Alex"
 The whole build has taken something like 60hrs.
 I did some blogs on the build progress too and had some helpful input from folk.

All three look good together

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

Inside the back of the van photo I missed..

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

I cannot pick a favorite because they are all fantastic builds. Well Done.

Main Street to the Mountains

Beautiful 'rods...................Jim

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

This one, just like the others, is greatly detailed and well designed & crafted. Great work on all.
Good one great job.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

These are all such great gifts!!  Neat to have each with a custom truck.
Thank you folks. 
It’s the closest I’ll ever get to owning a real one 😁🥴👍

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

Fantastic!!!! Great Project!!!