Rent a Man


My business is a handyman service, however of recent, I’ve been blessed to get the job of remodeling a 100 year old farm house in a quiet picturesque setting. I do all the work myself. This has been my opportunity of a lifetime. I’m not restoring to original, however, I’m making improvements with a yesterday spin. Hope you enjoy these pics and look forward to your comments.

Gene Peebles Rent A Man

Wow this is a huge project! I like the cabinets a lot! There is a lot of opportunity in this house! Be careful with the siding though they may be asbestos!


Having done this twice, watch out for critter, droppings, skeletons, hair, and, live ones. Good luck. I hope you are being paid by time and materials, they can be a money pit once started.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Being of the same job description, I can totally understand where you are going! Would love to have one of those. Like you, I work by myself (with a bit of assistance from my wife) and have had the fun of fixing everyplace I have lived – whether it needed it or not! Have a blessed time doing it!

Hey David thanks for the comments. You’re right the siding is asbestos but underneath is beautiful cypress boards. I’m gonna dig a trench around the house and bury them where they fall. The EPA will love it. Lol.

Gene Peebles Rent A Man

Awesome! That’s some project, for sure. Work is looking great!

Keith "Shin" Schindler

I’ve been a contractor for years ,this looks like a big project.

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