My two favorite Cars that I have owned

When I was young, I was a sportscar fan... While I was in the service I saved every dime I could to buy a sports car when my tour was done.  These are the two I owned.  The Alfa I purchased when I got home from V.N.  Was going to purchase a Triumph TR-4 and the salesman said let go for an Alfa before you purchase the Triumph This was 1966..   Sold me!  I paid $3600 cash for it. Great car, but temperamental and needed good alfa mechanic to keep it running at it's best, which I was not. In the area I lived in  no mechanic had ever even seen one.  So I traded it in on the Sunbean Tiger.  What a fun, fun car.  My very favorite car of all I owned in my lifetime.  I wish I was rich I would hunt one down and purchase it.  Even Jay Leno  did a show on one and said it was one of his favorites.  Anyway, my scroll sawed tribute to my two favorite cars that I have owned.

very nice GR8 JOB 😍😎👍


Nicely done. And what a great price back in the day.

Main Street to the Mountains

Have a friend in Okla. who is an Alfa fan.   Has the same problems today, keeping it running.   The Sunbeam was a really quick car for its day.    Saw a couple that had the Ford V8 in them modified for a bit more even. Only car I ever saw that had little lens covers that would pull down over some dash lights for night driving, reduce the brightness, thought it was neat.   
I had Austin Healeys and Lotus same time you had the Alfa and Sunbean.   Great cars all, great fun.   We always flashed our lights at other sports cars when driving as a way to say Hi.      Not done anymore.  I still have my "Dan Gurney for Preident"  sign.      Aw those were the days.   


My Alfa had a ring around the horn knob in the steering will. I was for flashing you lights at other sports cars.
Don’t we all wish we could have kept the cars of our youth, as some a worth a bomb now. 
Love the artwork/woodwork 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

Really nice work. I love the Sunbeam Tiger. Did you have a 289 in it??
You area true artist!!!!!!
Cheers, Jim

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day