Every so often we are inadvertently given the opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life. I was reached out to and asked to make a frame for a picture that was to be a surprise gift. I took up the project and fabricated a custom frame for a picture that I was told held great import to the recipient. These requests come our way every so often and we think little about them. When someone approaches me for a gift to be passed along all thought of payment is suspended. The blessing of being able to perform this small duty is payment enough for me. This time especially so. Although I didn't know at the time this custom framed print was to be left at the resting place of the man whose wife and son missed him with words so heartfelt they could not be uttered. Sometimes there are things that after we have accomplished them and the realization of what we have done settles in we must enlarge our spirits to understand. The dichotomy of my situation is unique. I stand humbled and proud at the same time.