" Omerta " Lamb Of God plaque


This was a very simple project. More like a " spare time " project.
Even if the polished aluminum did take about a week and a half of 2to 3 hours a day. I am a Heavy metal nut, and lamb is one of my favorite bands.
This all started with a 3/4 piece of mdf. The Lamb Of God is cut from 1/4 " oak paneling. Scrap from a cabinet project i was working on. The edge of this has been routered with a " classic " shaped bit. The defenition of " omerta " is in a dictionary. Look it up and enjoy.
I use resin pour for almost all my projects. I like how it coats like a thick piece of glass. So inevitably, this project also has it.

A jackass can kick a barn down, but it takes a carpenter to build one”

Two Old Angels Skipped Over Heaven Carrying Ancient Harps ,
And A Bag Of Arctostaphylos Tea…….
A Tea Of Fine Recipe …..
As Cure For Their Own Melody
Which Was Quite Psycogenic You See .


woodworking classes, custom furniture maker