Watch Charging Caddy.

Boys and Girls,
Got sick and tired of being a duck and decided to change gender and become a sheep… I bought an iPhoneBaaa!
I’ve been a proud Samsung individual (originally one of a few less, than the iPhone sheep), however, with the onset of all the embarrassments associated with age, it was time to go Apple and take advantage of their health monitoring gimmicks implanted into their Ultra watch… unfortunately Apple’s list was a tad longer than the Samsung Galaxy’s simple, not to mention single function, heartbeat monitor.
As the rivalry between Samsung and Apple preclude integration of their offsprings I had little alternative than get shorn and go sheepish.  I shall spare yazall the profanities and frustrations I encountered with the iPhone, but to me it’s like trying to signal with primitive drum communication, compared to the Samsung… and mine was an ancient S10.
The purchase of the watch required an upgrade to my Samsung Galaxy’s charging station,
Using it as the basis for re-design, I tried to keep it simple and make for a charger holder that could be integrated with the original base.  With SketchUp it was a no brainer going from my original Samsung watch caddy,
however, not being a fan of vertical holds, I re-designed it for a horizontal resting place,

And after all this effort… I bought a bloody magnetic charging stand… still on back order, however, I’m still skeptical about its vertical hold.  I have been advised by the “honest sales person” that the magnet is strong, but knowing me, a misdirected vino stagger would dislodge the watch to an underfoot obstacle.
As I drafted this a few months ago (been too busy with puzzles to bother about this mundane project)… the stand arrived 
and put to use,
… I don’t believe it… an honest sales person???  I had to DS tape the base to my desk to prevent it from following my phone around the house.
I still hate the Apple iPhone, but love the watch… a couple of times when I made a precarious move it asked if I had fallen over and want to raise an emergency.  Was glad to tell it NO, I’m OK!... however, I didn’t have that bloody watch on when I took my tumble and I could have used assistance.
FAIW, I did make a SketchUp model of both the Apple Watch cady, horizontal

and the “retro” Samsung

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD


Lot of trouble just to know the time of day.   But works.


When I worked, I worked from home and now that I'm retired, I haven't had a need for a watch for over 25 years... though I have enough clocks on my wall

to attract me to keep an eye or two on time... from time to time.
I got my Samsung watch to keep track of urgent notification (eg. doctors appointments) as I don't share an umbilical cord with my phone.
With old age and the gifts that come with it, I found that the Apple watch had a bucketload of health aids that kicks you up the rrrs, as us (me) oldies neglect our issues or just cant remember whats wrong with us (me).  The watch has been a good way to keep that bloody phone cradled 95% of the time and if I forget to take it on a trip, the Dick Tracey watch still keeps me in the loop whether I like it or not.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Welcome to the dark side ducky. And it appears you sent whole hog with all the goodies! Good for you. It’s good tech. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

The watch is great... the phone is a bucket of... fortunately I've kept my Samsung as a lot of apps I used, their "equivalent" just don't work on the Apple... maybe I got a lemon instead of a fruit... I check my ear for earwigs every time I use the phone... fortunately I still rely on my landline.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Oh ducky, just give in to it. Allow the warm sensation of Apple domination to sweep over you…the calming effect of a billion soccer mom’s and countless millions of pre-teens compels you…

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

I'd rather turn a bowl, than raise praise for an iPhone.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Assimilate ducky, assimilate…

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

i agree the iphone is a POS ! our company gave me an iphone awhile back and i hated it. finally my boss let me change back to a samsung android phone after two years of dropped calls and hard to make calls. as for the watch i have no need or desire. havn't worn a watch in about 25 years or more and dont miss it. nice job on the caddy duckie !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Welcome to the world of iphone Duckie.  Altho the world of samsung is a world of amazement....amazing they work as long as they do....all my friends that have androids are constantly changing phones for one reason or another.....iphones just keep on a marchin'.


ive never had any issues with ones ive had mike. personally i wont buy anything apple makes period.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

 commented about 4 hours ago
Assimilate ducky, assimilate…

Borgor that!

I agree, with some of your mates Mokey, I've had many a battery issue with my Samsungs... all of them, but that's because I don't have it surgically attached to any of my appendages or ears.  It is mostly 24x7 in the cradle which I have repeatedly been told is a no-no... so my bad.

But I'd rather have a Samsung without a battery than this bloody useless iPhone tha is so user unfriendly, you have to be of low IQ to be able to use it.  IF it had a full set of instructions it'd fade a full expanded set of encyclopedes into miniature.

As for watches Pottzy, I haven't used one (previously) for about 30 years and even when I got my Samsung watch it was off more than on.  However, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa for fear of being struck down... the Apple Ultra watch is a godsend.  Not all Apple watches but the Ultra... and it has a 3day battery life. I'm still not a watch fan, but this gizmo is in a league of its own... maybe 10 years ago I might not have embraced it like I do now, but at my age and falabilities, the medical implications of it makes it easy to ignore that band around my wrist... and I don't need to carry that fucking iPhone albatros around with me. 
If Samsung matched the features of the Apple Ultra... Mokey, R'Gi there'll be an immediate Apple watch going cheep cheep (kinda like sheep-sheep)!

Mokey, I'd question the loyalty of your "friends" that shit canned the Samsung... maybe thery're just putting you off so you won't enjoy the pleasure and continue to suffer the indignation of an Apple owner.
Bloody Eve got an apple and stuffed mankind for all eternity.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

I like my iPhone.  Very rugged.  They don't like getting dropped in the river or Loo.

I get their lowest cost model.  Mine don't need charging stations, sure they won't let me get away without a charging dock.  

Found on my last AARP 8 ways to find your car. One way uses your iPhone.  Yes AARP marks me as retired.

Duck nice build and well documented.  

daveg, SW Washington & AZ

Modern phones and their operating systems baffle me, but then again I don't own one.

My wife is fully embedded into the iOS (Apple) environment after dropping Android (everyone else) for everything using it's own, different, user interface.

Personally I'm well down the rabbit hole with MacOS (Apple desktops). I do a lot of my development on them, working together with Linux systems. Have never and will never use that thing called windows.

Anyway, whatever gets the job done for your needs, nothing is perfect and the rate of change is phenomenal.
gdaveg, I won't hear a bad word about the watch (Apple Ultra)... the only reason I bought the iPhone was that it can't be paired (with full functionality) with the Samsung... I wrote a scathing letter to Samsung's CEO about that short comming and recommended they restructure their whole platform to accept the Ultra.

What put me on the market for a new phone was me dropping my S10 into the loo... after fishing it out and scrubbing the dunny blue off my hand, I set it aside and investigated new phones... unfortunately I discovered the watch... and had to go Apple.  To add insult to injury the S10 recovered and I use it continually when the iPhone refuses to handle many of the apps I'm used to.
The other thing about the Ultra watch is that it's water proof and loves my spa... great for timing my laps and endures the crashing into the wall during my attempted tumble turns in a confined space... though I haven't tried making a phone call with it under water.

Oh yeah, I agree that the iPhone is very rugged, every brick wall should have at least 50% of them in the build.

FAIW, it was the watch that warned me about the noise level in my workshop that I have tended to ignore in the past.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Ive never had an issue with any apple product.  I have two ipads that I had at my studio and I abused those terrible, and then my wife took one and I took the other after I retired.  I guess I have had an issue with an wife dropped a soup bowl on hers from 3'.  It only busted the screen and still continued to work.  I had an iphone 8 that I had for 10 years, and charged it every night, like they tell you not to do, and it still had 78% of the battery when I sent it in, after buying a 14pro....They are a little pricey, but so is Mirkos and Festool.


FAIW, it was the watch that warned me about the noise level in my workshop that I have tended to ignore in the past.
So you have your wife strapped to your wrist? 🤠
With my wife dropping her iPad and stepping on it plus the in/out laws, I have replaced many a screen.
The insides are impressive, if you like magnetic connectors and insanely dense packed "stuff".

 commented 11 minutes ago
FAIW, it was the watch that warned me about the noise level in my workshop that I have tended to ignore in the past.
So you have your wife strapped to your wrist? 🤠

Not quite quiet... the watch strapped to my wrist, warned me of the decibels emanating from SWMBO strapping strapped to my back.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Way to go Ducky...git 'er done!!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

It was my DW that tested hers in River and Loo.

daveg, SW Washington & AZ