My wife wanted an all in one feeding station for our cat Ziggy, where his food, water, vitamins, and treats are all in one place. I took on the assignment with some trepidation, knowing that Ziggy is very demanding. No sloppy joints or mismatched grain for him. I decided that I better use some nicely figured maple accented by walnut splines and trim, and the grain should flow around each corner. A divided drawer seemed like a necessity, with a matching walnut handle. And of course the grain on the drawer face needed to blend seamlessly with the front of the box. I finished it with wipe on Poly instead of my usual Osmo, knowing that he sometimes gets a bit messy when drinking, particularly after he hits the catnip.
My wife is pleased, and so far Ziggy seems to like it, meaning he hasn’t knocked it off the table or used it as his scratching post. High praise from a cat.