My logo


This is my logo. I’m just getting started with my c.n.c. router.

Those machines are amazing. Looks great.

Losing fingers since 1969

Thanks, I’ be posting more as I make them.

Very awesome! Man I wish I could get a CNC machine. I would love to see myself grow in other areas. I guess it’s savings time. Lol after I buy more clamps.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Nice piece. I wish I had a CNC machine.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Nice piece. What machine do you have? Love my Shark HD. Had it two years now, amazing what you can do with them.

Being retired is way harder than you think! ;0).

Nice work,if I had a CNC I probably wouldn’t know to use it.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker