Challenge Coin Display


Made a new Challenge Coin Display for my office this weekend. I didn’t have any of the coins at home so just guessed at the width and depth of the grooves. Next time I’ll make the grooves a bit thinner and deeper. I also had to buy a 1 3/4" forstner bit, but the wood was scrap.

The top, the front angle and the front bottom are 3 separate pieces that I mitered. Would have been much easier to just glue 2 pieces together then cut the angle on the table saw. I had also originally had one additional row but screwing around cutting the miters I ended up having to whittle away one row.

Overall I’m happy with the end result.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men - and women - to do nothing. Burke

Great design. I like the front row of embed coins. Nice touch for those you really want to highlight. Great work!

David, California,

Very nice Tim very clean build.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Very nice, Thank you for your service!

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