Wood burning signs


Tried my hand at a little wood burning for my eldest daughter for her up coming wedding. She wanted theses signs for her engagement pictures. Kids these days, oh well. In any case, May try and do some wood burning on one of my next projects, we’ll see how it goes.


Nice work James

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Yes very nice. Very cool. I made 4" square boxes with words on them and then put flowers in them. Then we set them on logs that lined the wedding runway. Our wedding was outside. Then they were the center pieces for the dinner tables. You should be able to see them on the logs.

Above picture I made these hearts also. They were tied around the logs the flower boxes sat on.
well I like what you did. You gave her memories. Nicly done!

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

A bunch of possibilities with that !!!
Beautiful work!

Steve Tow

Thank you very much. Jeff, you have given me a great idea for the Reception and the center pieces. Awesome, I will post what, I come up with. Thank you.


Very nice James.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!