Deck trash bin with style


My latest creation is a trash bin for my daughter’s back deck that had a little style to it. I built it to look like a grill of sorts. It handles a 30 gallon trash bag. The top comes completely off to be able to change the bag. This is again using reclaimed pallet wood with a round knob I Han purchased many years ago. Kinda of a unique item. This was built because my daughter is entertaining a bridle shower for my oldest daughter. Needed something to handle the trash but, look somewhat stylish.


Wow, that’s really cool!
Great job James!
Nice for you girls!

Steve Tow

Practicality sometimes brings the best projects. Worked out nicely. Thank you.


Used the same stain on the bin as on the deck. Worked out pretty well. Helps when they go to decorate for the shower. At least that’s what I was thinking anyway. Thank you.


Looks way to good for trash :))

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Beautiful design!

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!