Work bench


I have seen a few benches that incorporate a way to use and store several pieces of equipment in a smaller area.
I designed this particular bench to free up space and yet give me a good work area for what ever project I may be working on.
So far I have a permanent place for the table saw, a section that I can remove for both the miter saw and for the router.
I plan on adding the planer to the bench and will locate that where the router table can be placed.
I still have a little work to do but thought I would use it to see what other options I may want to add.
It is nice to have a large work area all at the same level and also a place to put the equipment when not in use.
This bench is about 6 feet long and 3 feet wide and is on casters so I can wheel it around the shop or outside if I want.

Greg Holden


Great design, pretty much what I was looking to build.

I have made one, best build ever! This looks good and sturdy. One suggestion if you ever plan on changing the top, leave a lip, makes it easier to clamp stuff.

Now there’s a problem solved…I’ve been throwing it around in my head about a table for my TTS…The bottom one is perfect…Cheers…

and by the way I can’t recall seeing any Makita tools in any of the pics…

Asuming there all from the US …You guy’s don’t have Makita ???

For me my choice of power tools…

way to organize so many pieces of equipment in one area


Nice organizations as a all in one

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Great design! I used one like this for years before building the hybrid Roubo. How is the height for you? It’s very important to make a bench tailored to you, it the most used tool we woodworkers use. Great job.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Tony. A great idea about a place to clamp. That will be an easy add. I will also be adding some drawers and door along with a power strip, air connections and dust collector connections. I made the height the same as my other bench that I work at all of the time. So far it seems good.
I have a couple of good projects to do as soon as I get my boat done.
Thanks for the comments.

Greg Holden

I made one out of some scrap wood left over from projects. Not as nice or as big as yours though. Looking to build a bigger one like you did. Great job!!!!

That is real nice Sheri.
I find it surprising how much space I opened up.
I may have to buy something to fill it.

Greg Holden

Super design Greg,this a great addtion to your shop.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Are there any plans that I could download for this week bench? This is perfect for my sized basement.

I’ve got a 4 × 8 work table in the shop now trying to figure out the design for the tools.!yours looks great.! thanks for sharing it.

Gene Peebles Rent A Man

Great idea. I may use this in my new shop as an out feed table for my saw as well, and I like the storage.

If you can dream it, Draw it, then Build it

Can I get plans to build Boones work bench?

Yes Mammy I think I still have the plans on my home computer.
You can see other photos of the bench on Boone’s facebook page.
You can send me a message on there with your email and I will get you the PDF file.

Greg Holden

If you found those plans for this could you send them to me also. Just bought my first house and building my workshop now. This is perfect!

Can I get some plans for the Boones work bench’s this what I really need for my small work shop ? Thanks Ron

Very nice. I believe I have that same router table.

How to get the plans for this table.