Newfoundland Mummers


Here are the NL. Mummers that I make. The instruments are made from pine. These little guys are popular around Christmas time.



fun and unique figures .

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Thanks. They are fun to make because it involves different crafts. People with Newfoundland Roots like them. Here is a little explanation for anyone not knowing what a mummer is : During the 12 days of Christmas , the people of small fishing outports in Newfoundland throw pillow cases over their heads, disguise their bodies and go from house to house playing music, singing songs and drinking your cheer. The mummer will only reveal themselves if their identity is correctly guessed.


Very nice.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Very cool, but in the states those might get offensive for some people. I am glad you explained, the background on these.

That’s why I explained it because in Nl this is a very friendly tradition where family and friends get together and had music and dancing during Christmas and people had to try to guess who you are. No intentions off offending anyone in the states. Anyone wanting a clearer understanding of the mummers can watch it on youtube The Mummer song done by Simani. If anyone do find this offensive to them I will remove it.


Actually I think I will take this down. These make me think of happy times because of our happy tradition but wouldn’t want to remind people of any sad and hurtful times. Thank you TonyCan for bringing this to my attention.


I am trying to remove these pictures of my craft I posted on this site, It was brought to my attention that it might get offensive to the people in the states which I never thought of at the time posting it. I’ve tried removing it but can’t seem to do it, can you please help. I don’t want to offend anyone or remind anyone of hurtful times. These are happy little figures in my province but could be a reminder of sadness for others and I wouldn’t want for my crafts to bring sadness to anyone.
Thank you


I feel that our Nfld culture is something to be proud of and with an explanation included, I feel it is not offensive. I am so happy to find a craft like this on an international website. It brings me home from Alberta to St. John’s once more!

Thank you Clarke, I’m still living in Nfld and the mummers are a big tradition and I’m very proud of it. I’m actually from the hometown of the famous Simani and their popular song “The Mummer Song”.
