Casket 5


Got the hand rails on and installed buttons to hide the bolt heads , moved bottom part to next bay so I could lay out the cut line for the lid . I’m going to cut it in half with the blade set at 30 degrees so when the head part closes it seals against the toe half . Really nervous about this cut . If I just had to cut it one time it would be easy , but due to an over sight on my part I have to remove 2" from the center to get the right length . So that means 2 cuts . Hope they match when I’m done .


looks good so far bruce is this for you or some one eles


It’s for my Dad . He has been one of my best admirers of my work. I have an end table and a book shelve made from solid mahogany that I made for my Mom and Dad in my freshman and sophomore years in high school 1968 – 1969 . My parents kept them till about 10 years ago and then gave them to me.


Nice story Bruce. I can’t imagine the emotions you are feeling while working on it.


It will be the last thing I will be able to make for him after he is gone . So I’m glad I have the time to do it. I would love to make his head stone but there are to many regulations on that . It may sound weird but I feel like it will keep him more save in mine than a store bought one .


Good work bruce

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker