Office Bench


This is a bench I made for my office at work. I recently moved offices, and lost my visitor’s chairs in the process, so this was my solution. Base is white oak and maple, and the top is curly maple. The top is attached to the base using screws with elongated holes in the risers to allow for movement.

Firsts for me include sliding dovetails on the risers, as well as the “floating” top design.
The base is finished with lacquer and wax. The top is finished with shellac and wax to bring out the grain. All in all, I’m pretty happy with the results. This was one of those projects where I had a loose idea of what I wanted, but didn’t build it in sketchup or draw it out first. I think if I do another one, I’ll either taper, or put a slight curve in the legs, and will probably stick with the same species for the base. I’m also not sure I like the way the legs rise above the stretchers.

Thanks for looking, and have a great day!

nice work

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Very nice bench. Nice choice of materials, and I love the floating top.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.